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滑铁卢地区华人联合会 WCCA

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2024 Spring Tai Chi training courses








发表于 2024-1-5 20:30:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We are excited to offer two Tai Chi courses, for Tai Chi 48-Form and Tai Chi Sword 32-Form respectively, starting from February 2024. The courses are accompanied with further club activities.

Further information about our Tai Chi club can be found at: http://waterloocca.com/thread-3451-1-1.html  

1.  Tai Chi 48-form training course (Bilingual, English and Chinese, up to 25 seats, waiting list available)
The 48-Form Tai Chi, including basic Tai Chi movements and skills, will be taught.The 48-Form is primarily formulated based on Yang-style Tai Chi including skills/movements from other styles.

ClassTimes:   Thursdays, 6:55pm – 7:40pm, from February 8th,2024 to June 20th, 2024

Participants:      No previous experience in Tai Chi is needed to participate in this course. Everything will be introduced afresh. People with previous experience in Tai Chi may also benefit from participating in this course to hone their skills, adjust their postures and movements. It is a great opportunity for all to start, continue or reconnect with their Tai Chi journey.

Cost:               $100.00per person for 20 sessions.
Discount:        If you sign up for both courses for the term (see below), the second one is 50% off. That's $150 for two courses.

Anyone taking this course may participate in club activities (see below, at the same place), from 8:30pmto 9:15pm with no additional cost. Note that there will be another 45minutes class (seebelow) before the club activities starts at 8:30pm.

2.  Tai Chi Sword 32-form training course (Chinese only, up to 20 seats, now full, signing up the form will fall into waiting list automatically)
The 32-form Tai Chi sword will be taught.

Class Times:   Thursdays,7:45pm – 8:30pm, from February 8th, 2024 to June 20th,2024
Participants:     The course is mainly for people with some previous experiences in Tai Chi. Participants need to have their own Tai Chi Sword.
Cost:               $100.00per person for 20 sessions.
Discount:        Ifyou sign up for both courses for the term (see above), the second one is 50%off. That's $150 for two courses.

Anyone taking this course may participate in club activities(see below, at the same place), from 8:30pm to 9:15pm with no additional cost. The Club activities and practice start right after the end of this class.

3.  Club Activity
Participants practice Tai Chi in various forms, as well as what were taught in the courses, either individually or as a group. The instructors will be on hand to offer suggestions of improving specific movements/skills.

Time: Every Thursday, 8:30pm -- 9:15pm

·      The club activities is free for one year for anyone participating in one of the Tai Chi courses above.
·      Otherwise, the fee for participating in the club activities is $50 per person per year.
Seniors participate for FREE
Serving the community is one of the main goals of our club. Hence, the club activities are open to seniors (55years old or above) free of charge. People younger than 55 are also welcome to try club activities first, before deciding to pay either the club fee or to take a training course.

4.  Location
The above training courses and club activities will take place at the following location:
Mount Zion Lutheran Church (enter from the side door), 29 Westmount Rd South, Waterloo

5.  Sign up and contact
Fill out this form to sign up:

Feel free to email us if you havequestions: taichi.wcca@gmail.com

6.  FAQs
1)     How intensive is the course?
The Yang-style Tai Chi consists largely of slow, steady and soft movements. It is suitable for most people, of any age.

2)     I have made vacation plans and might miss some classes, will there be any make-up classes?
We will review the missed classes and provide you with some make-up suggestions. We also practice what was taught in the courses during the club activity time. Please let the instructors know in advance.

3)     Do I need to prepare special Tai Chi clothing?
There is no specific dress code. We recommend comfortable, loose-fitting and breathable clothing, and a pair of soft-soled shoes suitable for exercises.

4)     Can I take the course if I don’t have any Tai Chi experience?
You may consider taking the course on 42-Form Tai Chi, which does not require any previous Tai Chi experience. This course could also be helpful if you have some previous experience in Tai Chi, and hope to refresh and get better at posture or movements in your practice.

5)    May I audit a class first before deciding to join one of the courses?
New participants are welcome to have one free trial session.

6) Where to buy Tai Chi sword?
This is the Tai Chi sword we purchased in a group before. This is the pattern steel Tai Chi sword we recently purchased in a group. There are for your reference only. You can also buy some extendable sword on amazon.ca.

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